Tabb in beta with unlimited features. Limited quantity, sign up now!

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The apps you love, in a Space you trust.

How to get started

Only three steps

Connect your server

Setup your server on Tabb to start to deploy your apps. i


Your environment is deployed

Your environment is up and running instantly.


Deploy any type of application

Select your Github, Gitlab or Bitbucket repository.


Self-hosting has never been simpler

Tabb isn’t for everyone. But if you run a WordPress focused business or a complex WordPress website, we’re probably a perfect match.

Knowledgeable and helpful support team

"'s support team is very knowledgeable and helpful. They were able to assist me with a complex issue and provided step-by-step instructions to help me resolve it."

Rachel Johnson Business Owner

Stable and reliable system

"Based on my extensive use of's system, I can confidently attest to its impressive level of stability and reliability, as I have never encountered any performance issues..."

Sarah Garcia Front-End Developer

User-friendly application creation platform

"I love how easy it is to create applications on Their platform is very user-friendly and I'm able to create new applications in just a few minutes."

Hung Nguyen Business Owner

Cost-effective server management solution

" is a very cost-effective server management solution. Compared to other services, the pricing is very reasonable and the features provided are comprehensive..."

John Lee Software Developer

Quick and responsive issue resolution support

"I had an urgent issue with and their support team was able to address it. I was impressed with their response and ability to resolve the issue."

David Brown Software Developer

Perfect Use Cases Covered

Flexible Cloud Hosting Solution

Tabb offers a flexible hosting solution by connecting with various cloud service providers

Centralized Cloud Server Management

Tabb provides a centralized server management system for managing multiple cloud servers from a single location

Build Websites with Ease

Tabb provides a website builder platform to help users easily and quickly build websites

User-Friendly Server Management

Tabb offers a user-friendly interface for personal server management, allowing users to easily manage their servers

See who uses Docker